October GreenDrinks Bonn Meetup - Greendrinks meets Kainga

Di., 09.10.18, 00:00 - 21:00
Ausführliche Beschreibung

WHAT: GreenDrinks Bonn Meetup

WHEN: Oct. 9, 2018 , 7 - 9 PM

WHERE: BonnLAB, Zingsheimstr. 2, 53225 Bonn

Come meet and chat with environmentally minded people and learn more about the #BonnFiji initiative and private sector driven climate protection solutions.

Our host this month is BonnLAB in Beuel (Zingsheimstr. 2, 53225 Bonn). We are happy to learn welcome Ludger Wiesmann as a gues, who will talk about solarthermy and a new climate protection school partnership project in West Africa. Everyone is welcome and you can arrive anytime from 5.30 pm for a drink and mingle.

6 - 7 PM: Kainga Talk: Climate Protection & Business

7 - 9 PM: GreenDrinks Mixer

The goal of Greendrinks is pretty simple: good times shared among people who are working in, or interested in, environmental and sustainability issues.

We usually meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month (7-9 pm) at different venues to support local businesses and Bonn's growing sustainabiltiy eco-system.

Green Drinks Bonn is an organic, self-organizing networking group, initiated by Bonnections, Unity Effect e.V. and the Bonn Energy & Environment Roundtable (BEER) and part of the international Greendrinks network. www.greendrinks.org/Bonn

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